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Discrete Fourier transforms and power spectral density estimation. More...

Detailed Description

Discrete Fourier transforms and power spectral density estimation.

This module provides an amplitude preserving 1-D Fourier transform and power preserving Power Spectral Density estimator. One key concept for this module is FFT plans can not be created and destroyed while transforms are running. On Linux the FFTW3 library is used to provide fast transform capability, the library to use for Windows is yet to be determined.

On linux if the file /etc/fftw/wisdom exists it will be loaded during the call to das_init(). Pre-planning FFT operations can significantly increase the speed of new_DftPlan() calls

The following example uses the pthread library to demonstrate running four simultaneous transforms.

* #define SEC_IN_DAY 86400
* #define FREQUENCIES (SEC_IN_DAY/2 + 1)
* // I/O structure for worker threads
* struct thread_data {
* DftPlan* pPlan;
* double* pInput;
* double* pOutput;
* };
* void* doTransform(void* vpThreadData){
* struct thread_data* pTd = (struct thread_data*)vpThreadData;
* // DFT objects should be created on a per-thread basis
* Das2Dft* pDft = new_Dft(pTd->pPlan, "HANN");
* // Run the transform saving the complex output to DFT obj memory
* Dft_calculate(pDft, pTd->pInput, NULL);
* // Copy magnitude out to the location designated be the main thread
* size_t* uLen = 0;
* const double* pMag = Dft_getMagnitude(pDft, &uLen);
* assert(uLen == FREQUENCIES);
* memcpy(pTd->pOutput, pMag, uLen*sizeof(double));
* del_Dft(pDft);
* return NULL;
* }
* main(){
* // Initialize libdas2
* das_init(0, 0, DAS_LL_NOTICE, NULL);
* double* timeseries = (double*) calloc(SEC_IN_DAY*4, sizeof(double));
* // Do something to fill time array ...
* double* spectra = (double*) calloc(FREQUENCIES*4, sizeof(double));
* // Make a plan for calculating the DFTs
* DftPlan* pPlan = new_DftPlan(SEC_IN_DAY, DAS2DFT_FORWARD, "my_program");
* // Now calculate 4 spectra at the same time
* struct thread_data[4] = {NULL};
* pthread_t threads[4];
* for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
* thread_data[i].pPlan = pPlan;
* thread_data[i].pInput = timeseries + SEC_IN_DAY*i;
* thread_data[i].pOutput = spectra + FREQUENCIES*i;
* pthread_create(threads+i, NULL, doTransform, thread_data+i);
* }
* for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) pthread_join(threads + i);
* del_DftPlan(pPlan);
* // Do something with all 4 spectra ...
* }

Data Structures

struct  Das2Dft
 An amplitude preserving Discrete Fourier Transform converter. More...
struct  Das2Psd
 A power spectral density estimator (periodogram) More...


typedef struct dft_plan DftPlan
 An structure containing a set of global planning data for DFTs to be preformed. More...


const double * Dft_getReal (Das2Dft *pThis, size_t *pLen)
 Return the real component after a calculation. More...
Das2Dftnew_Dft (DftPlan *pPlan, const char *sWindow)
 Create a new DFT calculator. More...
void del_Dft (Das2Dft *pThis)
 Free a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) calculator. More...
DasErrCode Dft_calculate (Das2Dft *pThis, const double *pReal, const double *pImg)
 Calculate a discrete Fourier transform. More...
const double * Dft_getImg (Das2Dft *pThis, size_t *pLen)
 Return the imaginary component after a calculation. More...
const double * Dft_getMagnitude (Das2Dft *pThis, size_t *pLen)
 Get the amplitude magnitude vector from a calculation. More...
Das2Psdnew_Psd (DftPlan *pPlan, bool bCenter, const char *sWindow)
 Create a new Power Spectral Density Calculator. More...
void del_Das2Psd (Das2Psd *pThis)
 Free a Power Spectral Density calculator. More...
DasErrCode Psd_calculate (Das2Psd *pThis, const double *pReal, const double *pImg)
 Calculate a Power Spectral Density (periodogram) More...
DasErrCode Psd_calculate_f (Das2Psd *pThis, const float *pReal, const float *pImg)
 The floating point array input analog of Psd_calaculate() More...
double Psd_powerRatio (const Das2Psd *pThis, double *pInput, double *pOutput)
 Provide a comparison of the input power and the output power. More...
const double * Psd_get (const Das2Psd *pThis, size_t *pLen)
 Get the amplitude magnitude vector from a calculation. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct dft_plan DftPlan

An structure containing a set of global planning data for DFTs to be preformed.

Function Documentation

const double* Dft_getReal ( Das2Dft pThis,
size_t *  pLen 

Return the real component after a calculation.

Das2Dft * new_Dft ( DftPlan pPlan,
const char *  sWindow 

Create a new DFT calculator.

This function allocates re-usable storage for Fourier transform output, but in order to preform calculations a re-usable plan object must be provided

pPlan- A Transform plan object. The reference count of DFTs using this plan will be incremented.
sWindow- A named window to apply to the data. If NULL then no window will be used.
A new Das2Dft object allocated on the heap.
void del_Dft ( Das2Dft pThis)

Free a DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) calculator.

pThisthe DFT calculator to free, the caller should set the object pointer to NULL after this call. Calling this also deletes the reference count for the associated DftPlan object
DasErrCode Dft_calculate ( Das2Dft pThis,
const double *  pReal,
const double *  pImg 

Calculate a discrete Fourier transform.

Using the calculation plan setup in the constructor, calculate a discrete Fourier transform. When this function is called internal storage of any previous DFT calculations (if any) are over written.

pThisThe DFT object which will hold the result memory
pRealAn input vector of with the same length as the plan object provided to the constructor
pImgThe imaginary (or quadrature phase) input vector with the same length as pRead. For a purely real signal this vector is NULL.
0 (DAS_OKAY) if the calculation was successful, a non-zero error code otherwise
const double * Dft_getImg ( Das2Dft pThis,
size_t *  pLen 

Return the imaginary component after a calculation.

const double * Dft_getMagnitude ( Das2Dft pThis,
size_t *  pLen 

Get the amplitude magnitude vector from a calculation.

Scale the stored DFT so that it preserves amplitude, and get the magnitude. For real-valued inputs (complex pointer = 0) the 'positive' and 'negative' frequencies are combined. For complex input vectors this is not the case since all DFT output amplitudes are unique. Stated another way, for complex input signals components above the Nyquist frequency have meaningful information.

pThisThe DFT calculator object which has previously been called to calculate a result.
pLenThe vector length. In general this is NOT the same as the input time series length. For real-value input signals (complex input is NULL, this is N/2 + 1. For complex input signals this is N.
A pointer to an internal holding bin for the real signal magnitude values.
If Dft_calculate() is called again, the return pointer can be invalidated. If a permanent result is needed after subsequent Dft_calculate() calls, copy these data to another buffer.
Das2Psd * new_Psd ( DftPlan pPlan,
bool  bCenter,
const char *  sWindow 

Create a new Power Spectral Density Calculator.

This estimator uses the equations given in Numerical Recipes in C, section 13.4, but not any of the actual Numerical Recipes source code.

pPlan- A Transform plan object. The reference count of DFTs using this plan will be incremented.
bCenterIf true, input values will be centered on the Mean value. This shifts-out the DC component from the input.
sWindowA named window to use for the data. Possible values are: "hann" - Use a hann window as defined at NULL - Use a square window. (i.e. 'multiply' all data by 1.0)
A new Power Spectral Density estimator allocated on the heap
void del_Das2Psd ( Das2Psd pThis)

Free a Power Spectral Density calculator.

pThisthe PSD calculator to free, the caller should set the object pointer to NULL after this call. Calling this also deletes the reference count for the associated DftPlan object
DasErrCode Psd_calculate ( Das2Psd pThis,
const double *  pReal,
const double *  pImg 

Calculate a Power Spectral Density (periodogram)

Using the calculation plan setup in the constructor, calculate a discrete Fourier transform. When this function is called internal storage of any previous DFT calculations (if any) are over written.

pThisThe PSD calculator object
pRealAn input vector of with the same length as the plan object provided to the constructor
pImgThe imaginary (or quadrature phase) input vector with the same length as pRead. For a purely real signal this vector is NULL.
0 (DAS_OKAY) if the calculation was successful, a non-zero error code otherwise
DasErrCode Psd_calculate_f ( Das2Psd pThis,
const float *  pReal,
const float *  pImg 

The floating point array input analog of Psd_calaculate()

Internal calculations are still handled in double precision.

double Psd_powerRatio ( const Das2Psd pThis,
double *  pInput,
double *  pOutput 

Provide a comparison of the input power and the output power.

During the Psd_calculate() call the average magnitude of the input vector is saved along with the average magnitude of the output vector (divided by the Window summed and squared). These two measures of power should always be close to each other when using a hann window. When using a NULL window they should be almost identical, to within rounding error. The two measures are:

         1  ----   2      2
 Pin =  --- \    r    +  i
         N  /     n       n
          1   ----   2      2
 Pout =  ---  \    R    +  I
         Wss  /     k       k

where Wss collapses to N**2 when a NULL (square) window is used. The reason that the Pout has an extra factor of N in the denominator is due to the following identity for the discrete Fourier transform (Parseval's theorem):

    N-1                   N-1
   ----   2    2      1  ----  2    2
   \     r  + i   =  --- \    R  + I
   /      n    n      N  /     n    n
   ----                  ----
    n=0                   k=0

Where r and i are the real and imaginary input amplitudes, and R and I are the DFT real and imaginary output values.

pThisA PSD calculator for which Psd_calculate has been called
pInputA pointer to store the input power. If NULL, the input power will no be saved separately.
pOutputA pointer to store the output power. If NULL, the output power will no be saved separately.
The ratio of Power Out divided by Power In. (Gain).
const double * Psd_get ( const Das2Psd pThis,
size_t *  pLen 

Get the amplitude magnitude vector from a calculation.

Scale the stored DFT so that it preserves amplitude, and get the magnitude. For real-valued inputs (complex pointer = 0) the 'positive' and 'negative' frequencies are combined. For complex input vectors this is not the case since all DFT output amplitudes are unique. Stated another way, for complex input signals components above the Nyquist frequency have meaningful information.

pThisThe DFT calculator object which has previously been called to calculate a result.
pLenThe vector length. In general this is NOT the same as the input time series length. For real-value input signals (complex input is NULL, this is N/2 + 1. For complex input signals this is N.
A pointer to an internal holding bin for the real signal magnitude values.
If Psd_calculate() is called again, the return pointer can be invalidated. If a permanent result is needed after subsequent Psd_calculate() calls, copy these data to another buffer.