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oob.h File Reference

Defines the "Out of Band" objects in a stream. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the "Out of Band" objects in a stream.

Building das Dataset objects from a stream.

These are comments and exceptions

#include <das2/util.h>
#include <das2/buffer.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  OutOfBand
 A container for Out-of-Band data. More...
struct  OobExcept
 describes an exception that can live in a stream. More...
struct  OobComment
 describes human-consumable messages that exist on the stream. More...


 Generic untyped exception.
#define DAS2_EXCEPT_NO_DATA_IN_INTERVAL   "NoDataInInterval"
 Exception type for when no data is found in the requested interval. More...


void OutOfBand_clean (OutOfBand *pThis)
 Clean up extra memory allocated when an out of band object is initialized. More...
void OobExcept_set (OobExcept *pThis, const char *sType, const char *sMsg)
 Set an exception structure to a particular exception. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DAS2_EXCEPT_NO_DATA_IN_INTERVAL   "NoDataInInterval"

Exception type for when no data is found in the requested interval.

Function Documentation

void OutOfBand_clean ( OutOfBand pThis)

Clean up extra memory allocated when an out of band object is initialized.

pThisthe out of band item to clean up.
void OobExcept_set ( OobExcept pThis,
const char *  sType,
const char *  sMsg 

Set an exception structure to a particular exception.

pThisA pointer to the exception to initialize
sTypeThe type of exception. Usage of one of the strings:
  • DAS2_EXCEPT_SERVER_ERROR is recommended.
sMsgThe message for the exception, this is a human readable string.